This is why we are changing name and going global.
Our name should reflect our operation and ambitions in intelligent healthcare.
We are a small company, agile with high ambitions. Our ambition was to put all ideas our employees or ourselves came up with in our daughter company Lugn&Ro Akademin and transform such ideas into entrepreneurial efforts and eventually for commercialization. A little bit naive and too broad perhaps, but interesting, and in short time we were overwhelmed by quite interesting ideas.
Soon we understood that this kind of ambition is not sustainable for such a small company as us. We decided to be focused on more ideas and development than we could govern, finance, and develop. We therefore decided to only develop solutions that are scalable, mobile and based on connectivity. Such solutions are also much more suitable for internationalization.
It´s also quite clear that such problem to be solved can be found in digitalized healthcare, and not at least services based on artificial intelligence and robotics. In this sense robotics include both chat-bots and humanoids. We have already developed an online doctor that in its simplest form is a virtual waiting room where you can book appointments with your doctor and the doctor call you up by the video system. This type of online system is not per se so scalable as you might think since scaling will require a HR department to recruit doctors and need an organizational innovation to make sure that the business model is working. We will continue to develop our online doctor but, in the direction, providing more self-manage services for the patients.
So, therefore we are now changing name from Lugn&Ro Akademin, which no one outside Sweden can pronounce, to BraineHealth AB which better will reflect our operation and global ambitions. We will work with e-health and intelligent solutions using machine learning and robotics. We already launched an AI-platform for self-management of diabetes. We will blog more about our doings and efforts from now on. So, please sign up for our newsletters and read our blog.
Press contact
Roger Svensson, CEO BraineHealth AB
tel. +46 (0) 70 799 28 96
About BraineHealth AB
BraineHealth will democratize healthcare globally for everyone everywhere anytime using intelligent healthcare technologies by providing scalable digital solutions based on combined artificial intelligence and robotics.
BraineHealth AB is a Swedish company developing intelligent digital services for consumers and healthcare partners. The company was founded in 2016 by healthcare professionals specialising in primary and elderly care. The company has previously developed a digital platform for online medical advisory services, such as Lugn&Ro Doktorn and an AI-platform for epidemic diseases such as diabetes. BraineHealth is focused on providing patients and the healthcare community scalable solutions based on artificial intelligence, such as for better preventive and self-management care of epidemic diseases. BraineHealth co-operates on testing new products and services with the healthcare provider Lugn&Ro Sverige AB (major owner of BraineHealth).